Due to COVID-19, please view our Rules & Regulations below.
The golf course is open when the snow melts here in Cassadaga...maybe tomorrow, maybe next week.
-Give us a call-
The following are the Rules & Regulations associated with the allowance of Golf Courses being open:
1. The golf course is open for walking and riding (1 person per cart)
2. Tee times are required.
You may call between 8am-8pm to schedule your Tee Time. 595-3003
4. When making your tee time, please provide names of all players in the group. You must pay over the phone for your group when you make your tee time. We accept Visa, Master Card and Discover.
5. When arriving for your tee time, please arrive 10 minutes before, and be sure to be on the tee on time. Tee times are set up every 15 minutes.
6. Please leave the flagstick in the hole and do not touch it.
7. No admittance to any building is permitted.
8. Please be sure to clean/sanitize your cart before and after your round.
9. No coupons are currently being accepted at this time.
Please abide by all the Rules & Regulations so we can keep ALL NY golf courses OPEN. Let's make this transition a smooth one so we can continue to play the wonderful game of golf.
Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.

Chubbs Peterson's Fantasy Golf
Hooray!!! Fantasy Golf begins on Wednesday February 5th!!
Everything is the same as last year as far as rules and price. $20 for the 10 week season. Remember it is a one - and - done league. Once you pick a golfer, you can no longer pick that golfer again.
(Well ya can, you just won't get their prize money)
We are starting with the Waste Management Phoenix Open and ending as usual with The MASTERS. ALL picks must be in the day before the tournament begins.
(Picks MUST be placed Wednesday. NOT Thursday morning)
We are excited to have you back for Fantasy Golf!! Wednesdays during Fantasy Golf the bar will open at 4pm. Kitchen Open 5-8pm with our Full Menu, BURGER BASH, Drink & Dinner Specials
Any questions contact Chubbs.
Remember when picking your golfer each Wednesday, we also have BURGER BASH & our Full Menu 5-8pm.

2010 - John Crossley $3,595,450
2011 - Kerry Murphy $3,787,827
2012 - Team Helmer $3,533,945
2013 - Corky Mangine $4,023,641
2014 - Tim Lerow $3,952,73008,234
2015 - Allen Chase $5,095,845
2017 - Brad Kelly $4,389,480
2018 - Chris MacKrell $4,666,889
2019 - Rod Lind $5,689,851
2021 - Erin Mangine $5,702,343
2022 -